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Ingredients: Apis mel. 4x, Baryta mur. 6x, Belladonna 4x, Calcarea iod. 4x, Hepar sulph. 8x, Kali bichrom. 4x, Mercurius corr. 6x, Phytolacca 4x.
Indications: Helps relieve symptoms of local inflammation such as Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, and even rheumatic pains like Arthritis.
Mode of Action:

Apis mel.: Erysipelatous inflammations, dropsical effusions, anasarca, inflammation of kidneys, and other parenchymatous tissues. Extreme sensitiveness to touch and general soreness.
Baryta mur.: Chronic diseases with swelling and suppuration of glands in different scrofulous affections of children.
Belladonna: Marked action on the vascular system, skin, and glands. Heat, redness, throbbing, and burning. Enlarged tonsils, constricted throat, difficulty swallowing, especially liquids. Shooting pains along limbs, red, shining joints with red streaks radiating.
Calcarea iod.: Effective in scrofulous affections, particularly enlarged glands and tonsils filled with small crypts.
Hepar sulph.: Tendency to suppuration, hypersensitiveness, chilliness, and splinter-like pains.
Kali bichrom.: Subacute inflammation, particularly affecting mucous membranes of the stomach, bowel, and air passages. Catarrh of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi, and nose, producing a tough, stringy, viscid secretion.
Mercurius corr.: Throat red, swollen, intensely painful, burning with great swelling.
Phytolacca: Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. Syphilitic bone pains, chronic rheumatism. Dark red or bluish-red throat, pain at the root of the tongue, swollen soft palate, and tonsils.
Dosage Advice:
Acute cases: 10-15 drops diluted in water, taken every 2 hours, 6 times a day.
Chronic cases: Twice daily. Reduce the dosage to once daily to avoid aggravation.
Post-recovery: Take 10-15 drops, 2-3 times a day for about a week.
Complementary Remedies:
Influenza: Use B1.
Acute or chronic paroxysmal Appendicitis: Once daily B6 and B46, 10-15 drops of each.
Arthritis: Use B11.
Teething difficulties: See B18.
Whooping Cough: See B33 and Kof Aid Syrup.
Pleuritis: See B40.
Ovaritis: Administer B55 in alternation with B6.
Adenexitis Parametritis: Administer additionally B46 or B47, 2-3 times daily as required.
Bronchitis: See B54; if necessary, also Astha Aid Syrup and B33.
Proteinuria following Tonsillitis due to streptococcal infection, Quinsy or Nephritis: Administer additionally B63.
Pancreatitis: Use B70.
Important Notes: Inflammation is a protective attempt by the body to remove injurious stimuli and initiate tissue healing. Chronic inflammation can lead to diseases like Hay Fever, Sinusitis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.


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