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Ingredients: Acidum nitr. 6x, Aesculus hip. 2x, Collinsonia can. 4x, Graphites 8x, Hamamelis virg. 3x, Kali carb. 8x, Lycopodium 4x, Paeonia off. 3x, Sulphur 5x.
Indications: Helps relieve hemorrhoids and anal fissure presenting with anal itching and profuse bleeding.
Mode of Action:

Acidum nitr.: Constipation with fissures in the rectum. Tearing pains during stools, cutting pains after stools lasting for hours. Profuse bright hemorrhages from the bowels. Prolapsus ani, hemorrhoids that bleed easily. Pain as from splinters, sticking pains.
Aesculus hip.: Dry, aching feeling. Feels full of small sticks. Anus raw, sore. Much pain after stool with prolapse. Hemorrhoids with sharp shooting pains up the back; blind and bleeding, worse during climacteric.
Collinsonia can.: Pelvic and portal congestion, leading to hemorrhoids and constipation, especially in females. Sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum, sense of constriction, vascular engorgement of the rectum. Painful bleeding piles, itching of the anus.
Graphites: Constipation with large, difficult, knotty stools united by mucus threads. Burning hemorrhoids, smarting, sore anus, itching. Varices of the rectum, fissure of the anus.
Hamamelis virg.: Venous congestion, hemorrhages, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids with bruised soreness of affected parts. Anus feels sore and raw. Hemorrhoids bleeding profusely with soreness.
Kali carb.: Large, difficult stools with stitching pain before stool. Hemorrhoids large, swollen, painful. Itching, ulcerated pimples around anus. Large discharge of blood with a natural stool. Pain in hemorrhoids when coughing. Burning in rectum and anus.
Lycopodium: Hard, difficult, small stools, incomplete evacuation. Hemorrhoids very painful to touch, aching.
Paeonia off.: Biting, itching in anus; orifice swollen. Burning in anus after stool, followed by internal chilliness. Fistula ani, diarrhea with anal burning and internal chilliness. Hemorrhoids, fissures, ulceration of anus and perineum; purple, covered with crusts. Atrocious pains with and after each stool.
Sulphur: Itching and burning of anus, piles dependent upon abdominal plethora. Frequent, unsuccessful desire for stool; hard, knotty, insufficient stool. Redness around anus with itching. Morning diarrhea painless, drives out of bed with prolapsus recti. Hemorrhoids oozing and belching.
Dosage Advice:
Take 10-15 drops diluted in water, every 2 hours, 6 times a day.
Once improvement starts, reduce the dosage to twice a day.
Complementary Remedies:
Simultaneous liver complaints: Use B32, 3 times a day before meals, and B9, 10-15 drops twice a day after meals.
Varicosity and venostasis: Take additionally or in alternation with B48.
Anemia resulting from bleeding hemorrhoids: Take additionally B42 and Bakson Ferrum Plus.
Sacral back pain in women: See B55.


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