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Key Ingredients & Their Actions:
Carduus marianus (6x) ? Vascular Health and Circulation:

Carduus marianus is specifically related to the vascular system, helping to improve blood circulation and relieve congestion in the veins. It’s helpful when there is stagnation of blood circulation, shortness of breath, or a general need for fresh air. It can support better vascular tone and overall circulation.
Arsenicum iodatum (8x) ? Cellular Metabolism and Tissue Health:

This remedy influences cellular metabolism, improving the health of tissues by promoting proper functioning at a cellular level. It helps restore balance to the blood and tissues, assisting in the recovery of blood-related conditions and improving overall tissue vitality.
Ceanothus americana (6x) ? Liver and Spleen Support:

Particularly useful in cases of anaemia where the liver and spleen are compromised. Ceanothus is often used for Malaria-related ague cake and is an active hemostatic, helping reduce blood clotting and improving liver and spleen function, both of which play essential roles in blood production and detoxification.
Ferrum muriaticum (6x) ? Anaemia and Haemorrhages:

Ferrum muriaticum is indicated for anaemia, especially when associated with fever or other blood deterioration conditions. It is helpful for improving blood quality and for hemorrhages, especially when the blood is not circulating well.
Lycopodium clav. (6x) ? Circulatory Issues and Palpitations:

Lycopodium is used for palpitations, especially at night or after eating. It helps with a sensation as though the circulation is stagnant or “stopped,” and it can improve circulatory flow and heart function by helping balance pulse irregularities.
Sulphur (6x) ? Nervous Circulation and Blood Flow:

Sulphur is known to stimulate the body’s reactionary powers. It promotes a rush of blood to the heart, often leading to irregular circulation and a sense of congestion. It helps regulate the nervous circulation, bringing balance to areas with excess blood flow and ensuring proper blood distribution.
Mode of Action:
Carduus marianus helps with the circulation of blood and addresses vascular stagnation.
Arsenicum iodatum supports tissue regeneration and cellular metabolism to promote healthy blood cell production.
Ceanothus americana enhances liver and spleen health, key organs in blood filtration and production.
Ferrum muriaticum supports blood circulation and hematopoiesis, particularly in cases of blood loss and anaemia.
Lycopodium clav. regulates circulation and palpitations, helping prevent feelings of circulatory stagnation.
Sulphur balances circulation and ensures optimal blood flow throughout the body, correcting irregularities.
10-15 drops in some water, 3 times a day, preferably before meals.
Complementary Remedies:
If you’re dealing with endocrine disturbances, you may also consider B36 or B37.
For general debility, consider B41 for additional support.
In the case of iron deficiency anaemia, Bakson Ferrum Plus Syrup could also be helpful.


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