Key Ingredients & Their Actions:
Berberis aquifolium (?) ? Psoriasis & Dry Eczema:
Berberis aquifolium is particularly useful for psoriasis, dry eczema, and other skin conditions where there is scaly, itchy skin. It helps relieve pruritus (itching) that starts locally and spreads across the skin. It’s also effective for skin eruptions that extend from the scalp to the face and neck, and it improves conditions when the skin is washed with cold water.
Calcarea carbonica (8x) ? Flaccid Psoriasis & Healing Issues:
Calcarea carbonica is often prescribed for individuals with scrofulous, flabby, or cold, damp constitutions. This remedy helps with unhealthy or flaccid psoriasis, where the skin quivers and small wounds do not heal properly. It is beneficial for patients who have fair skin and tend to sweat excessively. The remedy helps with sore and damp skin conditions.
Graphites (8x) ? Dry, Rough Skin & Eczema:
Graphites is particularly effective for people who are stout, fair, and prone to skin afflictions. It targets dry, hard, and rough skin, particularly in eczema cases. It also helps with oozing skin eruptions and is helpful in persistent dryness, where the skin feels stiff and cracked.
Hydrocotyle asiatica (2x) ? Thickening & Exfoliation of Skin:
Hydrocotyle asiatica is a key remedy for treating skin with significant thickening of the epidermis and exfoliation of scales, which is characteristic of psoriasis. It helps with gyrate or circular psoriasis on the trunk, extremities, and palms. The remedy is beneficial for conditions where the skin forms scaly edges around spots.
Natrum muriaticum (8x) ? Inflamed Skin & Crusty Eruptions:
Natrum muriaticum is well-known for its effectiveness in treating eczema, particularly when the skin is raw, red, greasy, or crusty. It’s especially useful when eruptions occur on the bends of limbs, the scalp, and behind the ears. This remedy helps with inflammation, dryness, and scaliness of the skin.
Mode of Action:
This combination works to soothe and calm the skin, reducing inflammation and itching. It addresses the dryness, scaling, and thickening of the skin seen in both eczema and psoriasis, promoting healing and skin regeneration.
The remedies in this formulation act on different layers of the skin and the body?s underlying constitutional state to help regenerate the skin and relieve the symptoms of chronic skin conditions.
10-15 drops in some water, taken 3 times a day before meals.
For acute flare-ups, you may increase the dosage to 2-hourly, 6 times a day.
Once the condition improves, revert to the normal dosage.
Complementary Remedies:
B23 or Bakson Homoeopathic Formula D Tablets: Can be used in addition to B64 if the symptoms match. These remedies support endocrine balance, which may be important for some cases of skin conditions.
B37 or B36: If there are underlying endocrine secretory disturbances, these remedies can be added to help address the hormonal imbalance that may contribute to the skin issue.
B38: Enhances the action of B64 for more effective treatment of psoriasis.
Additional Tips for Managing Psoriasis and Eczema:
Avoid triggers: Pay attention to environmental triggers (such as cold weather, chemicals, or certain foods) and try to avoid them.
Moisturize frequently: Use gentle, non-irritating moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated and prevent excessive dryness.
Gentle skin care: Use non-soap cleansers and avoid harsh scrubbing or hot water, which can irritate the skin.
Dietary changes: Sometimes, avoiding inflammatory foods (such as processed sugars and refined grains) and increasing anti-inflammatory foods (such as omega-3-rich foods, leafy greens, and antioxidants) can improve skin conditions.
This formulation should provide a holistic approach to managing psoriasis and eczema, focusing on skin healing, hydration, and reducing inflammation while addressing underlying constitutional factors.
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