Dr. BAKSHI?S #B16(30ml)

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Ingredients: Argentum nitr. 6x, Cocculus ind. 4x, Conium mac. 4x, Gelsemium 3x.
Indications: Helps relieve Vertigo and Travel Sickness.

Mode of Action:

Argentum nitr.: Vertigo with buzzing in ears and nervous affections. Loss of coordination and balance everywhere.
Cocculus ind.: Vertigo and nausea, especially when riding or sitting up. A sense of emptiness in the head. Symptoms worsen when riding in a carriage or on a ship, making it effective for seasickness.
Conium mac.: Vertigo when lying down, turning over in bed, or turning the head side to side. Symptoms worsen when shaking the head, with slight noise or conversation, especially toward the left side.
Gelsemium: Vertigo spreading from the occiput. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling. Aggravated by sudden motion with blurred vision.
Complementary Remedies:

In cardiac-dependent vertigo: Take additionally B4.
In Angina Pectoris: Take B5 additionally.
In Arteriosclerosis: Take B8 additionally.
During Menopause: Take B7 additionally.
In Hypotension: Additionally use B62.
In impending collapse: See B66 and B39 if necessary.
Dosage Advice: Follow the dosage instructions as per the respective preparation for each remedy.

Weight 30 g


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