Ingredients: Aconitum nap. 4x, Bryonia alba 4x, Calcarea carb. 8x, Chamomilla 4x, Colocynthis 4x, Ignatia amara 4x, Staphysagria 4x.
Indications: Helps relieve pain associated with dentition, Pyorrhoea, and eases delayed teething.
Mode of Action:
Aconitum napellus: Teeth sensitive to cold. First remedy in inflammatory conditions and fevers.
Bryonia alba: Relieves stitching, tearing pain, worsened by motion but improved by rest. Toothache better with cold water, worse while brushing. Jerking toothache during smoking or chewing tobacco.
Calcarea carb.: Useful in delayed or difficult dentition, teeth aching from cold or hot stimuli, and any change in temperature or air.
Chamomilla: Toothache worsened by warm substances, especially during pregnancy, or after coffee intake.
Colocynthis: Highly irritable, with anger and indignation.
Ignatia amara: Toothache worsened by coffee and smoking.
Staphysagria: Nervous irritability and pain after tooth extraction, along with emotional sensitivity.
Dosage: Dilute 10-15 drops in water and take 3 times a day.
Complementary Remedies:
For better calcium absorption and development of teeth: Use Bakson Calci Aid tablets.
If accompanied by Influenza: Take additionally B1.
To sedate: Take additionally or alternately with B10.
In inflammation of dental root: Take B18 alternated with B6 every 1-2 hours.
For neuralgic pains: Compare B68.
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