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Ingredients: Acidum phos. 6x, Arsenicum album 6x, Lycopodium clav. 4x, Natrum sulph. 8x, Phaseolus 4x, Secale cornutum 4x, Syzygium jamb. 4x.
Indications: Helps in relieving hyperglycemia & symptoms of Diabetes.

Mode of Action:

Acidum phos.: Frequent, profuse, watery, milky urine. Diabetes with micturition preceded by anxiety and followed by burning, especially at night.
Arsenicum album: Diabetes and diabetic gangrene. Ulcers, particularly on the heel, with burning pain.
Lycopodium clav.: Polyuria at night. Numbness in hands and feet.
Natrum sulph.: Urine loaded with bile, with brick-dust sediment and excessive secretion.
Phaseolus: Supports relief from symptoms of diabetes, especially diabetic urine.
Secale cornutum: Debility, anxiety, and emaciation, although appetite and thirst may be excessive. Tingling in the toes.
Syzygium jamb.: Initially increases blood sugar levels, resulting in glycosuria. Excessive thirst, weakness, emaciation, and large amounts of urine with a high specific gravity. Diabetic ulceration.
Dosage: Dilute 10-15 drops in water and take 3 times a day.

Complementary Remedies:

B6: For inflammation, especially with carbuncles and boils.
B19: For constipation, intestinal sluggishness, and flatulence.
B21: For impotence and general lack of vigor in men, or use Bakson Super Tonic Syrup.
B32: For functional problems of the liver, or use Bakson Liv Aid Syrup.
B36 or B37: As stimulants of germinal glands.
B38: For skin diseases like boils.
B48: For venous stasis, varicose veins, and inflamed veins.
B42: For lack of appetite, emaciation, and pale complexion.


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