Acidum phosphoricum 6x, Agnus castus 4x, Cinchona officinalis 3x, Conium maculatum 3x, Damiana 3x, Sepia 20x.
Indications: Helps relieve sexual asthenia, nervous exhaustion, over-excitement, and general debility associated with Spermatorrhoea in men.
Mode of Action:
Acidum phosphoricum: Emissions during the night and at stool. Sexual power is deficient, and testicles are tender and swollen. Parts relax during embrace. Prostatorrhoea, even during soft stool passage.
Agnus castus: No erections. Impotence. Parts cold and relaxed. Scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid on straining. Gleety discharge. Testicles cold, swollen, hard, and painful.
Cinchona officinalis: Excited lascivious fancy and frequent emissions followed by weakness. Orchitis. Debility from exhausting discharges and loss of vital fluids, with nervous erethism.
Conium maculatum: Desire increased, but power decreased. Sexual nervousness with feeble erection. Effects of suppressed sexual appetite. Testicles hard and enlarged, leading to sexual debility.
Damiana: Useful in sexual neurasthenia, impotency, and sexual debility from nervous prostration.
Sepia: Organs cold. Offensive perspiration. Gleet with discharge from urethra only during the night, without pain. Condylomata surround the head of the penis. Complaints after coition.
Dosage: Dilute 10-15 drops in water and take 3 times a day.
Complementary Remedies:
B36: Recommended for further support.
B42: After illnesses that bring on exhaustion, or in cases of anaemia.
Bakson Super Tonic: For sexual neurasthenia.
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