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Apis mellifica 4x, Arsenicum album 6x, Rhus toxicodendron 4x.

Indications: Helps relieve itching, eruptions, rashes, and other symptoms of acute & chronic eczema, pimples, skin rashes, and urticaria (hives).

Mode of Action:

Apis mellifica: Swelling after bites or stings, large urticaria, erysipelas with sensitiveness and swelling, rosy hue. Edematous swellings, sudden puffing up of the whole body. Skin becomes red, sensitive, and sore with stinging pains. Carbuncles with burning, stinging pain. Dry, hot skin alternating with sweats.
Arsenicum album: Itching, burning, and swelling. Papular, dry, rough, scaly eruptions. Urticaria with burning, restlessness. Pimples and vesicles with violent burning. Symptoms may alternate with asthma or internal disorders.
Rhus toxicodendron: Red, swollen, intensely itching skin. Vesicles, herpes, urticaria, erysipelas, and suppurative forms. Burning eczema with a tendency for scale formation. Sensitive to cold air. Eruptions can alternate with dysentery.

Take 10 drops diluted in water twice daily on Monday and Thursday.
If no homoeopathic aggravation starts, reduce the dose to once daily.
If aggravation occurs, continue the dose once a week or as directed on Monday and Thursday.
Complementary Remedies:

For chronic eczema, consider adding B38 daily, 10-15 drops.
For measles, see B60.
For psoriasis, see B64.
For herpes zoster, see B67.
Also compare Bakson Homoeopathic Formula D tablets.


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