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Aethusa cynanchoides 3x, Cocculus indicus 3x, Colchicum autumnale 3x, Ipecacuanha 3x, Nux vomica 4x, Petroleum 3x, Veratrum album 3x.

Indications: Helps relieve nausea, vomiting due to travel sickness, morning sickness, gastritis (particularly in drinkers), and related conditions.

Mode of Action:

Aethusa cynanchoides: Nausea at the sight of food, painful contraction of the stomach, vomiting with sweating and great weakness, followed by sleepiness. Regurgitation of food about an hour after eating.
Cocculus indicus: Nausea from riding in cars, boats, etc., or even from seeing motion. Worse from cold or taking cold. Nausea with faintness and vomiting.
Colchicum autumnale: The smell of food, particularly fish, causes nausea, even fainting. Profuse salivary secretion, vomiting of mucus, bile, and food. Symptoms worsen with any motion.
Ipecacuanha: Constant nausea and vomiting, with pale face and twitching. Vomits food, bile, blood, and mucus. Coryza with stoppage of the nose and nausea.
Nux vomica: Sour taste and nausea in the morning after eating. Nausea and vomiting with much retching. Difficult belching of gas. Desire to vomit but unable to.
Petroleum: Nausea with accumulation of water in the mouth.
Veratrum album: Voracious appetite, thirst for cold water, but vomiting as soon as swallowed. Averse to warm food. Copious vomiting and nausea aggravated by drinking or any motion. Craves cold, juicy, salty food, and ice.

Take 10 drops diluted in water three times daily.
In acute cases or as per symptom severity, doses can be taken more frequently, such as every 2 hours, and then taper off once the symptoms improve.
Complementary Remedies:

For diarrhea, consider B3.
For intestinal colic and nausea, use B19.
For vomiting caused by migraine, consider B12.
For kidney diseases, use B63.
For liver and gallbladder affections, B32 may be helpful.
For whooping cough, try B33.
For circulatory disturbances, use B66.


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