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Symphytum officinale 3x, Ruta graveolens 3x.

Indications: Helps relieve symptoms associated with injuries of all types, including sprains, wounds, open ulcers, and sepsis.

Mode of Action:

Symphytum officinale: Primarily used for injuries to sinews, tendons, and the periosteum. It is invaluable for wounds that penetrate to the perineum and bones, non-union of fractures, and irritable stump after amputation. It is also useful for irritable bone at the point of fracture.
Ruta graveolens: Helps with complaints from straining flexor tendons. It is beneficial in cases where there is a tendency to form deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and around joints (especially the wrist). It can also aid in the recovery from overstrain of ocular muscles and sprains. All parts of the body feel painful, as if bruised.

Take 10-15 drops diluted in water, every 2 hours (up to 6 times a day).
Once improvement is noticed, reduce the dosage to 3 times a day.
Complementary Remedies:

B1 for feverish affections.
B4 for muscular weakness of the heart.
B11 for rheumatism.
B12 for migraine and neuralgia.
B52 for injuries to the hands.
B66 for impending collapse.


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