Ingredients & Indications:
Scrophularia nodosa (2x):
This remedy has a strong affinity for enlarged glands and is particularly useful for dissipating breast tumors and treating scrofulous swellings. It is indicated for conditions like lupoid ulcerations, epithelioma, and nodosities in the breasts. It also works on stomach ulcers with a cancerous tendency and myomas, including uterine carcinomata and scirrhous tumors (hard tumors associated with cancer).
Baryta carbonica (8x):
Baryta carb. is known for its impact on glandular structures and degenerative changes. It helps with indurations in the breasts and is useful for conditions like sarcoma in the neck. It can address fatty tumors, particularly around the neck, and provides support for swollen glands (especially tonsils, cervical glands, and prostate). It is particularly valuable for patients who easily catch colds and have a tendency for swollen tonsils. Baryta carb. is often used as a supplementary medication in the treatment of malignancy, including post-operative care and following radiation therapy, to improve the general well-being of the patient.
10-15 drops diluted in water, taken once or twice a day depending on severity and the individual?s condition.
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