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Ingredients & Indications:
Berberis vulgaris (3x):

Burning pains in the urethra and kidneys, often accompanied by a sore sensation in the bladder and pain in the thighs and loins while urinating. The urine may contain thick mucus with bright-red sediment. A sensation of urine retention even after urination.
Cantharis (3x):

Intolerable urgency to urinate, often with cutting pain before, during, and after urination. Bloody urine or jelly-like urine with shreddy particles. Commonly used for nephritis and strangury, where there is painful urination with intense tenesmus.
Dulcamara (3x):

Painful urination induced by cold exposure, such as chilling or getting feet wet. It helps with catarrh of the bladder, strangury, and thick, mucous, purulent urine, especially after taking cold.
Equisetum hyemale (3x):

Used for dysuria and enuresis, particularly when there is a fullness in the bladder that is not relieved by urination. Incontinence in both children and elderly women. It also aids with urinary retention during pregnancy or after childbirth and can treat conditions like albuminuria and involuntary urination.
Eupatorium purpureum (3x):

Renal dropsy (fluid retention), albuminuria, and irritable bladder conditions. It also addresses dysuria, strangury, and haematuria (blood in urine). It is effective in diabetes insipidus and can help with deep, dull pain in the kidneys.
10-15 drops in some water, 3-4 times a day.
For acute cystitis or severe symptoms, take the remedy every 1-2 hours until improvement is seen, then revert to normal dosage.
Complementary Remedies:
For nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), add B14 (10-15 drops twice a day) or use Bakson Bakunil Syrup.
For prostatitis, alternate B35 with B13.
In cases of albuminuria, nephrosis, or chronic nephritis, use B63 for additional support.


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