Key Ingredients & Their Indications:
Medorrhinum (20x) ? Chronic Skin Conditions:
Indicated for chronic ailments, particularly skin affections that result from suppressed Gonorrhoea. Known for its ability to help with intense itching, red rashes around the anus, yellowish skin eruptions, copper-colored spots, and tumors. It’s deep-acting and works on skin issues that don’t respond to other treatments, especially those that appear worse at night or when thinking about the condition.
Psorinum (20x) ? Debility and Sensitivity:
Works on conditions of chronic debility, weakness after acute diseases, and a dirty, dingy appearance. It addresses intolerable itching, particularly in herpetic eruptions and conditions like eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and pustules near the fingernails. It also helps with dry, lusterless hair and conditions related to excessive secretion from sebaceous glands (oily skin).
Thuja occi. (20x) ? Warts, Polypi, and Skin Growths:
Indicated for warts, polyps, tubercles, epithelioma, carbuncles, and ulcers, especially in the ano-genital region. It?s useful for conditions like freckles, brown spots, herpetic eruptions, and dry, cracked skin. Thuja is often recommended for conditions that seem to worsen after scratching or irritation.
Vaccinium myr. (20x) ? Intestinal Health and Aseptic Conditions:
This remedy helps maintain intestinal health, preventing infection and reinfection. It plays a supportive role in keeping the intestines aseptic, which can be crucial for addressing skin conditions that have an underlying digestive imbalance.
10-15 drops diluted in water, taken 3 times a day, preferably before meals.
Continue the remedy for 12-16 weeks for best results, particularly with chronic conditions that take time to resolve.
Complementary Remedies:
For Eczema: Use B23.
For tendency to recurrence: Add B38, taking 10-15 drops 1-2 times daily. Once marked improvement is seen, reduce dosage to once a day.
For Psoriasis: Consider using B64 or Bakson Homeopathic Formula D Tablets.
Mode of Action:
This formulation helps to improve the body?s reactivity to external and internal challenges, particularly focusing on chronic, deep-seated skin conditions that have not responded well to other therapies. By using potentized glandular remedies and homeopathic principles, it aims to stimulate the immune system, balance sebaceous gland secretions, and improve the body’s natural ability to handle skin irritations, infections, and sensitivity.
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