Key Ingredients & Their Indications:
Acidum nitricum (6x) ? Heart Palpitations and Exhaustion:
This remedy is often used when palpitations occur after minimal effort, such as even simple movements. It’s helpful for individuals who experience exhaustion due to frequent nocturnal perspiration, leaving them feeling cold in the early morning and shivering when going to bed. It’s useful in cases where fatigue is a result of prolonged stress or illness.
Acidum phosphoricum (3x) ? Heaviness, Numbness, and Vertigo:
Indicated when heaviness and numbness in the limbs occur, especially after acute illness, grief, or sexual exhaustion. It’s also helpful in cases of vertigo, where the individual feels as though they are floating or experiencing ringing in the ears while lying down. The vertigo is worse when standing or walking, often accompanied by glassy eyes.
Calcarea iodata (3x) ? Improves Circulation and Thyroid Function:
This remedy works by increasing the viscosity of the blood, which helps in regulating blood flow. It also acts on the thyroid, particularly when used in conjunction with Ferrum iodatum. It is helpful for individuals who experience numbness, ringing in the ears, and giddy headaches.
Ferrum iodatum (8x) ? Irregular Circulation and Weariness:
Ferrum iodatum is particularly helpful for irregular blood circulation and fatigue. It is especially useful when the face appears pale but turns red after the slightest excitement. It can also relieve stomach disturbances, nosebleeds, and headaches. The pulse may be full and lax, indicating sluggish circulation and overall weariness.
Mode of Action:
Acidum nitricum helps manage palpitations and exhaustion, especially after periods of excessive physical or emotional strain, promoting better circulation and overall vitality.
Acidum phosphoricum works to restore energy levels, reduce numbness in the limbs, and alleviate vertigo symptoms, particularly in those with a history of grief, sexual excesses, or post-illness weakness.
Calcarea iodata aids in improving blood flow, supports thyroid health, and relieves associated numbness and headaches.
Ferrum iodatum addresses issues of circulatory irregularities, paleness, and weariness, particularly after emotional or physical stress.
10-15 drops in some water, 3 times a day, preferably before meals.
Complementary Remedies:
For general vitality and recovery from exhaustion, you can also consider Bakson Alfavena Malt and Alfalfa Tonic. These remedies further support overall strength, vitality, and nourishment.
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