Key Ingredients & Their Actions:
Adonis vernalis (3x) ? Weak Heart & Fluid Retention:
Adonis ver. is especially effective for patients suffering from cardiac dropsy, hydrothorax, ascites, and anasarca. It is known for its ability to support a weak heart and to improve pulse rate by increasing vitality and reducing fluid retention around the heart.
Convallaria majalis (3x) ? Heart Energy & Regulation:
Convallaria majalis is a well-known heart remedy that helps strengthen the heart’s action and regularize its rhythm. It is useful for dyspnea, dropsy, and soreness of the uterine region, especially when associated with palpitations.
Crataegus oxyacantha (3x) ? Weakness & High Blood Pressure:
Crataegus oxy. helps patients who are weak, exhausted, or suddenly feel faint. It also addresses high blood pressure, cold limbs, and irregular pulse and breathing, which are often associated with general anasarca (edema or fluid retention).
Digitalis purpurea (6x) ? Heart Strengthening & Fluid Regulation:
Digitalis pur. is vital for conditions where heart weakness and dilatation of the myocardium (heart muscle) are present. It helps stimulate the heart muscles, increasing the force of the systole (contraction), which can improve blood circulation and aid in fluid elimination.
Helleborus niger (3x) ? Edema & Urinary Issues:
Helleborus niger is used to address pale, dropsical conditions, such as anasarca and frequent urging to urinate. This remedy is especially helpful when water retention leads to swelling and itching, and there are livid spots on the skin. It also supports the kidneys and urinary system to eliminate excess fluid.
Squilla maritima (3x) ? Diuresis & Cardiac Support:
Squilla acts as a cardiac stimulant, supporting peripheral circulation and coronary arteries. It helps relieve dropsy and promotes profuse urination, especially if urinary retention is present due to cardiac distress or fluid buildup.
Mode of Action:
This combination primarily targets fluid retention conditions such as ascites, anasarca, hydrothorax, and general edema, while simultaneously improving heart function.
It increases circulation, stimulates the heart muscles, and regulates urinary output to expel excess fluids from the body.
Cardiac health is supported, reducing the workload on the heart and improving its efficiency in pumping blood.
The combination also helps manage symptoms of dropsy (fluid accumulation in tissues) and promotes diuresis (increased urination), which aids in eliminating retained fluids from the body.
10-15 drops in some water, taken 3 times daily before meals.
In case of acute symptoms, take the same dose every 2-3 hours until improvement begins.
Complementary Remedies:
B4 for muscular disturbances of the heart and bad conduction (helpful for heart rhythm issues).
B19 for flatulence and gastro-cardiac symptoms, which are often seen in patients with heart conditions and fluid retention.
B20 in case of Diabetes or use Bakson Diab Aid Drops for associated issues with fluid retention.
B28 for obesity, which can cause overstrain on the cardiac muscle.
B36 or B37 for glandular disturbances, especially at climacteric (menopausal) stages.
B63 for renal problems or kidney-related fluid retention.
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